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plymouth county beekeepers association

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Bee School 2025 Registration IS NOW CLOSED. 

The Plymouth County Beekeepers Association holds bee school annually.  The enrollment fee ($100) includes one textbook, course materials, and a year’s membership with the club. Your tuition allows all family members in the same household to attend Bee School and become active members of the Club.

The PCBA’s annual bee school is the club’s signature outreach and membership program. Hosted and instructed by PCBA members and guest speakers, this 8-session course meets every other Thursday, 7-9 PM, beginning January 9 and ending in April 17, 2025. Join us before class at 6:30 for an “Ask the Beekeeper” section to get assistance with your specific questions.

Topics in modern beekeeping techniques are discussed, and several demonstrations are provided to class members. Topics include: Wooden ware purchase and assembly, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques, Bee Products (Honey, Wax, Pollen) and Hive Organization and Management to name a few.

Copyright © 2023 Plymouth County Beekeepers Association

Mailing Address:               

PO Box 512               

Hanson, MA 02341

Hanson Clubhouse Address:
228 High Street

Hanson, MA 02341

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