Plymouth County Beekeepers Association, “PCBA,” is a non-profit organization established in 1977. We are dedicated to the support of local agriculture and to educating the public about beekeeping through our school and participation in local fairs and festivals.

PCBA focuses on education, agriculture, and stewardship through many of the public outreach programs the club participates in and provides throughout the year. We have members who speak at schools, community centers, and professional meetings.

The Plymouth County Beekeepers Association has been granted 501(c)(3) status. We are a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to the support of local apiculture and agriculture.  Our primary goals are to further the art and science of beekeeping, the mutual support and education of our members, to inform and educate the public about beekeeping through our participation in local fairs and festivals, our "Beekeeping School for Beginners," and presentations given by our members to local and regional schools, community groups, and organizations. 

Several members put in a lot of time and energy to make this happen so that we are a state and federally recognized organization, capable of applying for public and private grants, accepting charitable donations to the PCBA are tax deductible, and we have a formal structure where the needs of the organization are put before the individual.

Something for Everyone!

  • Introductory Bee School

  • Monthly Speaker Series

  • Special Workshops

  • Social Events

  • Kids Events

  • And More!


Upcoming events

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marshfield fair

PCBA participates annually in the Marshfield Fair which is held in August. At the fair, the club has an entire barn filled with everything you would ever want to know about modern beekeeping. In addition, members are able to sell honey and candle products, participate in various fair run competitions, and talk with fair attendees about a demonstration hive set up right outside. Here, club members show fair-goers what a Langstroth hive looks like, how bees live and work within the hive and how we can help bees in our local environment.

member benefits

Membership to the club comes with several benefits. Members are able to audit bee school annually.  All members can connect with a club mentor.  Mentoring is a key component to success for the beginning beekeeper. The club has mentors throughout the county to help install, inspect, or provide support for any situation that may come up.  In addition to taking advantage of a broad spectrum of experience and knowledge, membership also offers discounts and convenience on glassware and bee ordering.

In Person connections

Members are afforded numerous ongoing opportunities to connect with beekeeping content and local practitioners:
  • Annual Bee School
  • Hands On Workshops
  • Monthly Meeting Speaker Series
  • Workshops with Beekeeping Experts
  • Hive Dives/In-Person Workshops
  • 1:1 and Small Group Mentoring
  • Community Events
  • Social Events
  • Kids Events
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